Residents of Adesina Street, Ijesha, Lagos have raised the alarm over the fate of a 10-year-old girl, who was allegedly brutalised by her guardians. The residents have called on the Commissioner of Police (CP), Umar Manko, to rescue the girl before she dies.
Spokesperson for the concerned residents, who simply identified himself as Jay Martins, said the little girl, Chisom Okorie when last seen, was battered, with her swollen eyes. Martins said since the guardians noticed that residents were embittered by their action, they allegedly locked her inside their residence at Adesina Street.
He said: “We saw Chisom with swollen eyes and when we asked her what happened to her, she told us how her madam’s mother beat her black and blue for a minor offence she committed.” She told us that on the fateful day, the culprit came to visit her daughter and she instructed her (Chisom) to look after the hot water she was boiling.
Martins alleged that Chisom told him that she forgot to inform the woman that the water was steaming, “so, when the woman saw it, she got angry and started beating Chisom until she literarily passed out.” Martins said the most agonizing aspect, was that when Chisom’s guardians came back from work,. rather than take her to the hospital, they reprimanded her for being too absent-minded.
Since two weeks now, the little girl has not been treated and was locked up in the room. When Crimewatch visited Chisom who spoke through the window, she said: “I am from Ubahu, Okija in Anambra State. I came to this house early this year. I am a maid to Mr. and Mrs. Paul. I don’t go to school. “I was asked to look after the hot water my madam’s mother was boiling, and I forgot to bring the water down.
When she came back from where she went to, she started beating me. She attempted to pour the hot water on me but I managed to escape from being badly hurt by the hot water. But the hot water splashed on my eyes.” She said she has not been treated, adding that she could not see clearly, noting that she was experiencing excruciating pains.
However, the neighbours have called on the police to act fast by rescuing the girl before the unexpected happens.
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