Dark chocolate
Scientists at the University Hospital of Cologne have found that dark chocolate reduces hypertension, which could help those men who may have trouble rising to the occasion. It’s the flavonols in the cocoa that promotes the production of nitric oxide, a chemical that helps penile vascular muscles to relax, improving blood flow and therefore good erectile function.
Ginger is one of the oldest aphrodisiacs known to man. In one study male rats given ginger extract were found to have increased serum testosterone levels and increased testicular weight. It is possible that ginger could have a similar albeit mild effect on human testosterone levels. Infuse a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger in a mug of hot water as an alternative to tea.
We all know that spicy foods get the heart pumping. It’s capsaicin, the compound that gives chillies their burn, that’s also a trigger for the brain to release endorphins - substances that, at high levels, can create a sensation of pleasure. Chilli peppers stimulate the nervous system, which can, in turn, accentuate the effects of sexual arousal. Introducing a phaal to the bedroom probably isn’t the best way to go about it though.
Pumpkin seeds
These seeds are packed full of zinc, which is one of the most important nutrients for sexual function and fertility (each ejaculation holds about 5mg of zinc). A Dutch study, published in Fertility And Sterility, found a combination of folic acid and zinc supplements increased sperm count by 74% in men with fertility problems.
According to a study conducted at the University of Texas Medical School at Galveston, insufficient amounts of vitamin C in a man’s diet can cause sperm cells to clump together known as agglutination, it inhibits maximum progression or movement of sperm. Blueberries contain high amounts of vitamin C to get those sperm swimming.
Bananas contain an alkaloid compound called bufotenine, which acts on the brain to improve your mood, self-confidence and your sex drive. The most beneficial part is just below the skin, so make the most of it by baking bananas and scraping the flesh from the skin. Bananas are also rich in B vitamins, which are important in the manufacture of sex hormones.