Just the other day I saw on someone BBM display Message quoting: Any relationship that doesn't lead to the altar must lead to the bank. I mean come on ! What happened to the old traditional
values of falling in love and knowing it comes with a risk? Now that the world has come of age and every girl wants what the other girl has at any expense.I am not being a judge in this situation but I am going to trigger some thoughts in your head.
As a typical Nigerian man going into a new relationship do you have a sense its going to come with financial responsibility to the girl? And you the girl do you see it as an obligation that your new partner has to cover your needs? Some girls even go as much as demanding for material things under one week, we all know this words; my BB is bad ,its hanging, I want to fix my hair, I need to pay my hostel rent,my sister is sick, my school fee ! An average man is a sex predator and given the opportunity he will take any advantage that might to lead sex and this demanding girls fall perfectly into this category. I also need to note there are good ones out there but they are also going through peer pressure from their friends ; to have a boy friend that can buy them things and take care of them so the fight with their moral upbringing begins. With the rise in HIV/AIDS cases in Nigeria , we need to curb the desire for materials and focus on the rudiments of a relationship,the experience, the passion even though we know its a risk and might not lead to marriage , isn't Gold refined through fire!
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